Buckle up, folks, because James Clear’s “Habits” is the GPS for your brain – guiding you through the chaotic highway of life like a chill Zen master. I picked up this book expecting a self-help lecture, but it’s more like having a conversation with the Yoda of habit-building. Clear doesn’t just tell you to wake up at 5 am and do burpees; he’s more like, “Hey, let’s figure out why you’re not a morning person and then casually become a superhero.”

Now, let’s talk about the ‘bad habits’ section – it’s basically a roast of your own questionable life choices. James doesn’t judge; he just throws shade at your excuses like a sassy best friend. Reading this book is like having a Netflix binge session with your future successful self. So, if you want to upgrade your life without feeling like you’re in a boot camp run by a life coach with a whistle, get “Habits” – because who doesn’t want to be the superhero of their own story without breaking a sweat?


 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

Genesis 2:16


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