Listen up, fitness fanatics and aspiring acrobats! I bought the Slant Board Guy, the magical contraption that promises to elevate your squat game to new heights and bulletproof your knees like you’re Robocop. First off, assembling this thing was like solving a Rubik’s Cube with the instructions written in Klingon. I ended up with three extra bolts and a newfound respect for IKEA furniture builders. But hey, who needs a stable foundation when you’re defying gravity with squats, right?

Once I finally got this slanty wonder set up, it was like strapping myself to a seesaw in a funhouse. I wobbled more than a Jenga tower in an earthquake. The Slant Board Guy is like the class clown of gym equipment – unpredictable, attention-grabbing, and leaves you questioning your life choices. If you want your workout routine to include a balance challenge and an unintentional comedy show, this slant board is your ticket to the circus. Just make sure your health insurance is up to date before you start your squat spectacle!


 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Genesis 2:14


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